Candy Club


The Results

Press impressions: 4,569,834

Social media impressions: 147,900

Cakewiches sold: 300+ 

$1000 donation to PATH

The Opportunity

We worked with artisanal candy purveyors Candy Club to coordinate a month-long paid collaboration in celebration of #NationalCandyMonth.


Our Work

We reached out to LA-based dessert brands, and secured a partnership with cakewich creators Cake Monkey. Cake Monkey developed an original banana peanut toffee crunch cakewich using Candy Club’s chocolate toffee peanuts. 100% of the proceeds benefited People Assisting The Homeless (PATH), a local non-profit organization that works to end homelessness for individuals and families through building affordable housing and providing supportive services throughout California.

The Results

The Candy Club and Cake Monkey collaboration sold 328 cakewiches, generating $1000 in donations to PATH. The organization’s director expressed his whole team’s gratitude for the proceeds, and cross-promoted awareness of their community initiatives.


Finless Foods


Veso Aperitifs