Ian Conrekas

Title: Public Relations Intern
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Education: California State University Long Beach
Contact: Email | LinkedIn

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Areas of expertise

Public Relations, Content Creation, Social Media Management, Photography.

Ian Conrekas is a public relations intern for JS2 / PR where he crafts written content, focuses on outreach efforts, and tracks media coverage and engagement.


Before starting his PR journey, Ian’s first experience in the food industry was working part time at Chick-Fil-A. There, he gained valuable experience in a fast-paced work environment and honed his communication abilities.

Ian also played a role in developing company websites and crafting personal portfolios. He took on the task of shaping the brand identity for Administrative Alliance Inc., where he developed and managed their digital platforms. He then had the opportunity to create a social media kit for Rosarito Taco Grill. In addition to content marketing, he is thorough in crafting written materials such as email pitches and press releases.


Ian is currently a senior at California State University Long Beach, with a major in public relations and a minor in marketing.

3 Questions With Ian

  • What’s the best thing you cook?
    My Favorite dish to serve up is ricotta and spinach-filled tortellini with blackened chicken, capers, and mushrooms. And of-course this dish would not be complete without white wine.

  • When was a memorable time you made lemonade out of lemons?
    Web design with no prior knowledge was a daunting challenge, but I embraced the learning curve and taught myself the necessary skills. This experience not only expanded my abilities but also revealed a genuine passion for the creative process that I might never have discovered otherwise.

  • Why do you love working in food and beverage PR?
    Food has the power to bring different types of people together to enjoy one thing. The potential to create meaningful connections and moments through food, drives my passion for working in the food and beverage industry. I want to be a part of crafting those experiences, and bring people together over a shared enjoyment.