Gabriella (Ella) Conte

Title: Sr. Account Executive
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Education: Loyola Marymount University Contact: EMAIL | LINKEDIN

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Areas of expertise

Gabriella excels at creating meaningful relationships with the media, resulting in exciting opportunities for clients. She’s also an organizational superstar and dedicated team leader.


Gabriella started her PR career as an Assistant at Samantha Slaven Publicity, before joining Jennifer Bett Communications where she was on the Food & Beverage team for three years, working with CPG startups like Magic Spoon and OLIPOP.


  • Getting a pro-bono client featured on the TODAY show for International Women’s Day.

  • Hosting a successful media event with 30+ editors and Nick and Priyanka Jonas for the launch of their popcorn brand.

  • Every time I’m able to get a client in print!

3 Questions With Gabriella

  • What’s the best thing you cook?
    Pasta! My favorite is pesto made with basil I grow on my apartment balcony and fresh penne from the Farmer’s Market.

  • When was a memorable time you made lemonade out of lemons?
    I once had a group of media last minute cancel on a sampling I was coordinating for a beverage brand. With the extra time and space we were able to create some really fun video content with the media who were in attendance and it ended up being a hit on social!

  • Why do you love working in food and beverage PR?
    Food is community and being able to tell the stories of those communities is incredibly special. The milestone moments in my life have always involved good company and good food, so to work with restaurants and F&B brands is a dream!